Data last updated:
2018/11/03 21:11 GMT


Lloydpassage (name)
Lloydpassage (name:de)
Große Hundestraße (old_name)
Last Updated2018-12-04 15:28
Admin Level15
RankStreet / Major Landmark
Importance0.1 (estimated)
Centre Point53.0776879,8.8057979
OSMway 111562899
Computed Postcode28195
Address Tags
Extra Tags
paving_stones (surface) (website)
de:Lloyd-Passage (wikipedia)


Local name Type OSM Address rank Admin level Distance
Lloydpassage highway:pedestrian way 111562899 26 0 details >
Altstadt place:neighbourhood relation 1127349 22 11 0 details >
Mitte place:suburb relation 1127350 20 10 0 details >
Stadtbezirk Bremen-Mitte boundary:administrative relation 1135978 18 9 0 details >
Bremen place:city relation 62559 12 6 0 details >
Bremen place:state relation 62718 8 4 0 details >
28195 place:postcode 5 0
28195 place:postcode relation 1086064 5 0 details >
Deutschland place:country relation 51477 4 2 ~2 m details >
de place:country_code 4 0

Parent Of


4211655121 amenity:telephone node 726580759 30 ~28 m details >


Ailton Goncalves da Silva historic:memorial node 3380327763 30 ~41 m details >
Amelie Fried historic:memorial node 2362568230 30 ~37 m details >
Burckhard Göbel historic:memorial node 2362568232 30 ~72 m details >
Bärbel Schäfer historic:memorial node 2362568233 30 ~86 m details >
Diego historic:memorial node 2362874613 30 ~49 m details >
Hape Kerkeling historic:memorial node 2362568235 30 ~81 m details >
James Last historic:memorial node 2362874622 30 ~23 m details >
James Rizzi historic:memorial node 2362568246 30 ~62 m details >
Karlheinz Böhm historic:memorial node 2362568248 30 ~42 m details >
Katja Ebstein historic:memorial node 2362568249 30 ~69 m details >
Max Lorenz historic:memorial node 2362874623 30 0 details >
Michael Stich historic:memorial node 2362568253 30 ~61 m details >
Peter Maffay historic:memorial node 2362568254 30 ~10 m details >
Roberto Albanese historic:memorial node 2362568720 30 ~29 m details >
Rudi Carrell historic:memorial node 2362568721 30 ~79 m details >
Sabine Postel historic:memorial node 2362568722 30 ~25 m details >
Thomas Schaaf historic:memorial node 2362568727 30 ~45 m details >
Ulf Merbold historic:memorial node 2362568728 30 ~93 m details >
Uwe Seeler historic:memorial node 2362568252 30 0 details >


Apotheke in der Lloydpassage amenity:pharmacy node 300036889 30 ~25 m details >


Crazy Angels shop:clothes node 2362874612 30 ~17 m details >


E-Plus Base Shop shop:communication node 2362874615 30 ~55 m details >
Mobilcom Debitel Shop shop:communication node 2362874624 30 ~22 m details >
Telekom shop:communication node 726580669 30 ~48 m details >


EDEKA Bredow shop:supermarket way 373842348 30 ~50 m details >


Faber & Faber shop:jewelry node 2362874616 30 ~36 m details >


Gosch-Sylt Bremen amenity:fast_food node 726580699 30 ~8 m details >
Johann Keuneke amenity:fast_food node 726580688 30 ~14 m details >


Il Mio amenity:bar way 373842350 30 ~52 m details >


Lloyd Passage tourism:information node 3314870930 30 ~76 m details >
Lloyd Passage tourism:information node 3314868750 30 ~76 m details >


Mall of Fame tourism:attraction node 458713332 30 ~8 m details >


Parkhaus Mitte amenity:parking way 197097002 30 ~9 m details >


Sidestep Footwear shop:shoes node 2362874683 30 ~47 m details >


Tenter's Backhaus shop:bakery node 2362874684 30 ~28 m details >


Yves Rocher shop:cosmetics node 2362874686 30 ~32 m details >


No Name building:yes way 199130107 30 ~58 m details >
No Name building:yes way 199130108 30 ~32 m details >


No Name place:house node 2362874621 30 ~30 m details >
No Name place:house node 2724698743 30 ~26 m details >
No Name place:house node 2523696274 30 ~21 m details >
No Name place:house node 2523696275 30 ~16 m details >
No Name place:house node 2523696276 30 ~13 m details >


No Name amenity:clock node 2362874671 30 ~19 m details >