Data last updated:
2018/11/03 21:11 GMT


Johannes-Tobei-Straße (name)
Last Updated2018-12-03 23:33
Admin Level15
RankStreet / Major Landmark
Importance0.1 (estimated)
Centre Point52.4055761,13.5636143
OSMway 226981975
Computed Postcode12526
Address Tags
12526 (postcode)
Extra Tags
Johannes Tobei (1930-1997), CEO of the Hedwigshöhe hospital (description)
30 (maxspeed)
good (smoothness)
asphalt (surface)


Local name Type OSM Address rank Admin level Distance
Johannes-Tobei-Straße highway:residential way 226981975 26 0 details >
Bohnsdorf place:suburb relation 410444 20 10 0 details >
Treptow-Köpenick place:borough relation 55754 18 9 0 details >
Paradies place:hamlet node 301589998 16 0 details >
Berlin place:city relation 62422 8 4 0 details >
12526 place:postcode 5 0
12526 place:postcode relation 1397575 5 0 details >
Deutschland place:country relation 51477 4 2 ~3 m details >
de place:country_code 4 0

Parent Of


No Name place:house node 2821720216 30 ~36 m details >
No Name place:house node 2821720728 30 ~32 m details >
No Name place:house node 2821721105 30 ~26 m details >