Data last updated:
2018/11/03 21:11 GMT

Wildeshauser Landstraße

Wildeshauser Landstraße (name)
Wildeshauser Landstraße (name:de)
B 213 (ref)
Last Updated2018-12-04 15:21
Admin Level15
RankStreet / Major Landmark
Importance0.1 (estimated)
Centre Point52.9767339,8.5266235
OSMway 328470946
Computed Postcode27777
Address Tags
Extra Tags
70 (maxspeed)
asphalt (surface)


Local name Type OSM Address rank Admin level Distance
Wildeshauser Landstraße highway:primary way 328470946 26 0 details >
Hengsterholz place:suburb node 432429053 20 0 details >
Ganderkesee place:town relation 539258 16 8 0 details >
Sethe place:hamlet node 431171393 16 0 details >
Klein Henstedt place:hamlet node 387463077 16 0 details >
Strudthafe place:hamlet node 431171394 16 0 details >
Meierhafe place:hamlet node 2954731590 16 0 details >
Hestern place:hamlet node 2954726675 16 0 details >
Landkreis Oldenburg boundary:administrative relation 62648 12 6 0 details >
Niedersachsen place:state relation 62771 8 4 0 details >
27777 place:postcode 5 0
27777 place:postcode relation 3379800 5 0 details >
Deutschland place:country relation 51477 4 2 ~2 m details >
de place:country_code 4 0

Parent Of


Hengsterholz, Abzw. Immer highway:bus_stop node 3358345060 30 ~357 m details >


Kartoffelhof Moorschlatt building:yes way 490981223 30 ~240 m details >
No Name building:yes way 53581186 30 ~322 m details >


The Hangout amenity:restaurant way 53581174 30 ~256 m details >


tobaccoland amenity:vending_machine node 4000977452 30 ~298 m details >


No Name tourism:information node 3358345062 30 ~364 m details >


No Name amenity:parking way 53581194 30 ~203 m details >