Data last updated:
2018/11/03 21:11 GMT

Prager Straße

Prager Straße (name)
Prager Straße (name:de)
B 2 (ref)
Last Updated2018-12-04 04:41
Admin Level15
RankStreet / Major Landmark
Importance0.1 (estimated)
Centre Point51.3308694,12.3972143
OSMway 376768590
Computed Postcode04317
Address Tags
Extra Tags
no (foot)
2 (lanes)
50 (maxspeed)
yes (oneway)
asphalt (surface)


Local name Type OSM Address rank Admin level Distance
Prager Straße highway:primary way 376768590 26 0 details >
Reudnitz place:neighbourhood node 2696877901 22 0 details >
Zentrum-Südost place:suburb relation 6273342 20 10 0 details >
Mitte boundary:administrative relation 3351884 18 9 0 details >
Südost boundary:administrative relation 1395341 18 9 0 details >
Leipzig place:city node 21687149 16 0 details >
Connewitz place:village node 2375007381 16 0 details >
Leipzig place:county relation 62649 12 6 0 details >
Sachsen place:state relation 62467 8 4 0 details >
04317 place:postcode 5 0
04317 place:postcode relation 1301673 5 0 details >
Deutschland place:country relation 51477 4 2 ~2 m details >
de place:country_code 4 0

Parent Of


Bistro LIA 2 amenity:fast_food node 3762494087 30 ~82 m details >
Curry König amenity:fast_food node 276380215 30 ~66 m details >
Hung Asia (China Thai Imbiss) amenity:fast_food node 3874807959 30 ~50 m details >
World of Pizza amenity:fast_food node 2516081866 30 ~112 m details >


Blumentritt Friseure shop:hairdresser node 2516081865 30 ~127 m details >


Handy + Rettung Leipzig Handywerkstatt building:yes way 57826222 30 ~115 m details >
No Name building:yes way 57826220 30 ~115 m details >
No Name building:yes way 57826230 30 ~96 m details >
No Name building:yes way 57826232 30 ~77 m details >
No Name building:yes way 57826205 30 ~59 m details >
No Name building:yes way 57826207 30 ~40 m details >


Norbert Wartig shop:kiosk node 3472731043 30 ~105 m details >


Ostplatz railway:platform way 196320128 30 ~109 m details >


Schröpfer-Optik shop:optician node 823286382 30 ~119 m details >


Softeisbar am Ostplatz amenity:ice_cream node 3472731044 30 ~99 m details >


Steinecke shop:bakery node 717408690 30 ~148 m details >


Tiziano amenity:cafe way 57837812 30 ~89 m details >


Tonis markt shop:supermarket node 5300706326 30 ~52 m details >


No Name place:house node 368747617 30 ~15 m details >
No Name place:house node 368747632 30 ~28 m details >
No Name place:house node 308525616 30 ~41 m details >