Data last updated:
2018/11/03 21:11 GMT


Tränkbachstraße (name)
Last Updated2018-12-05 11:53
Admin Level15
RankStreet / Major Landmark
Importance0.1 (estimated)
Centre Point50.1768904,6.1451034
OSMway 460770528
Computed Postcode
Address Tags
Extra Tags


Local name Type OSM Address rank Admin level Distance
Tränkbachstraße highway:unclassified way 460770528 26 0 details >
Diepert place:isolated_dwelling node 4301087276 20 0 details >
Stoubach place:hamlet node 4567317911 16 0 details >
België - Belgique - Belgien place:country 4 0
be place:country_code 4 0

Parent Of


Stoubach Zentrum highway:bus_stop node 3067644470 30 ~209 m details >
Stoubach Zentrum highway:bus_stop node 3067644469 30 ~209 m details >


No Name building:yes way 343015421 30 ~121 m details >
No Name building:yes way 343015409 30 ~62 m details >
No Name building:yes way 343015376 30 ~37 m details >
No Name building:yes way 342794358 30 ~95 m details >
No Name building:yes way 342794362 30 ~146 m details >
No Name building:yes way 342794364 30 ~181 m details >
No Name building:yes way 342794368 30 ~248 m details >
No Name building:yes way 343015415 30 ~146 m details >


No Name place:house node 4567317910 30 ~55 m details >
No Name place:house node 4567317909 30 ~68 m details >