Data last updated:
2018/11/03 21:11 GMT

We make it

We make it (name)
We make it (name:de)
Franziska Brandt & Moritz Grünke (operator)
Last Updated2018-12-06 04:09
Admin Level15
RankOther: 30
Centre Point52.5520377,13.3574641
OSMnode 4095220011
Computed Postcode13347
Address Tags
Berlin (city)
17 (housenumber)
13347 (postcode)
Malplaquetstraße (street)
Extra Tags
We make it is a Risograph print studio, a library and exhibition space based in Berlin dedicated to artists, designers and people who love excellent and handcrafted printed matter. (description)
on appointment (opening_hours)
+49 30 91530129 (phone) (website)
no (wheelchair)


Local name Type OSM Address rank Admin level Distance
We make it tourism:gallery 29 0 details >
17 place:house_number 28 0 details >
Malplaquetstraße highway:living_street way 4555092 26 0 details >
Leopoldkiez place:neighbourhood node 3652643277 22 0 details >
Wedding place:suburb relation 28267 20 10 0 details >
Mitte place:borough relation 16347 18 9 0 details >
Berlin place:city node 240109189 16 2 0 details >
Berlin place:city relation 62422 8 4 0 details >
13347 place:postcode 5 0
13347 place:postcode relation 1405641 5 0 details >
Deutschland place:country relation 51477 4 2 ~3 m details >
de place:country_code 4 0