Data last updated:
2018/11/03 21:11 GMT

The Wingrevolution Club Herrsching

The Wingrevolution Club Herrsching (name)
Last Updated2018-12-07 19:53
Admin Level15
RankOther: 30
Centre Point47.9895491,11.1702086
OSMnode 5244151474
Computed Postcode82211
Address Tags
Extra Tags (website)


Local name Type OSM Address rank Admin level Distance
The Wingrevolution Club Herrsching leisure:sports_centre 29 0 details >
2 place:house_number 28 0 details >
Am Mühlfeld highway:residential way 8090306 26 0 details >
Herrsching am Ammersee place:town relation 932292 16 8 0 details >
Mühlfeld place:village node 1700548682 16 0 details >
Landkreis Starnberg boundary:administrative relation 62458 12 6 0 details >
Obb boundary:administrative relation 2145274 10 5 0 details >
Bayern place:state relation 2145268 8 4 0 details >
82211 place:postcode 5 0
82211 place:postcode relation 1104728 5 0 details >
Deutschland place:country relation 51477 4 2 ~3 m details >
de place:country_code 4 0