Data last updated:
2018/11/03 21:11 GMT

52 Belgium

52 Belgium (name)
52 Belgien (name:de)
52 Belgium (name:en)
52 Belgique (name:fr)
52 België (name:nl)
Last Updated2018-12-14 00:03
Admin Level15
RankOther: 30
Centre Point50.129939,6.137607
OSMnode 5846250512
Computed Postcode
Address Tags
Extra Tags
It is no longer the old stones. These are the now everywhere standing stones that mark the current borderline. (description)


Local name Type OSM Address rank Admin level Distance
52 Belgium historic:boundary_stone 29 0 details >
Zum Dreiländereck highway:unclassified way 487919146 26 0 details >
Oberhausen place:hamlet node 1327305742 16 0 details >
België - Belgique - Belgien place:country 4 0
be place:country_code 4 0