Data last updated:
2018/11/03 21:11 GMT

Schwalbacher Straße

Schwalbacher Straße (name)
Last Updated2018-12-05 00:48
Admin Level15
RankStreet / Major Landmark
Importance0.1 (estimated)
Centre Point50.0260795,8.1189844
OSMway 26539820
Computed Postcode65343
Address Tags
Extra Tags
yes (oneway)
paving_stones (surface)
6 (width)


Local name Type OSM Address rank Admin level Distance
Schwalbacher Straße highway:pedestrian way 26539820 26 0 details >
Martinsthal place:suburb node 1613229477 20 0 details >
Rauenthal place:suburb node 1564366238 20 0 details >
Eltville boundary:administrative relation 1379049 18 9 0 details >
Eltville am Rhein place:town relation 408592 16 8 0 details >
Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis place:county relation 62746 12 6 0 details >
Regierungsbezirk Darmstadt boundary:administrative relation 286590 10 5 0 details >
Hessen place:state relation 62650 8 4 ~1 m details >
65343 place:postcode 5 0
65343 place:postcode relation 1182376 5 0 details >
Deutschland place:country relation 51477 4 2 ~3 m details >
de place:country_code 4 0

Parent Of


Augenoptik Konrad shop:optician node 4554064391 30 ~34 m details >


Backhaus Schröer shop:bakery node 2587005828 30 ~51 m details >


Betty-bou shop:clothes node 4554062293 30 ~24 m details >
Gabys Moden shop:clothes node 4554095189 30 ~15 m details >
fashion five for kids and wife shop:clothes node 4554149889 30 ~8 m details >


Buchhandlung Untiedt shop:books node 3777302030 30 ~17 m details >
Bücherstube Lauer shop:books node 4554064390 30 ~34 m details >


Cafè & Konditorei Schwab amenity:cafe node 4554062291 30 ~14 m details >


Dr. med. Christoph Hartl amenity:doctors node 5086150021 30 ~46 m details >


Edelf's Fotofachgeschäft shop:photo node 4554095289 30 ~42 m details >


Eiscafe Venezia amenity:ice_cream node 2260393006 30 ~8 m details >


Eltviller Rosenstübchen amenity:restaurant node 1359841975 30 ~18 m details >


Glas Wohlfart shop:department_store node 4586945189 30 ~28 m details >
H&B Hörtechnik oHG shop:department_store node 4579709590 30 ~39 m details >
KIND Hörgeräte shop:department_store node 4579647595 30 ~29 m details >


Kostbar Feinkost in Eltville shop:convenience node 4554062292 30 ~23 m details >


Lotto in Buchhandlung Untiedt shop:lottery node 3777307943 30 ~13 m details >


Löwen-Apotheke amenity:pharmacy node 486621511 30 ~54 m details >


Metzgerei Bayer shop:butcher node 4554095089 30 ~8 m details >


Ortweins Spezialitäten und Geschenkehaus shop:gift node 3130329211 30 ~41 m details >


natürlich schön shop:beauty node 2592596108 30 ~56 m details >


No Name building:yes way 253318084 30 ~29 m details >
No Name building:yes way 307805767 30 ~2 m details >
No Name building:yes way 253313758 30 ~45 m details >
No Name building:yes way 307805768 30 ~2 m details >
No Name building:yes way 307805769 30 ~9 m details >
No Name building:yes way 307805770 30 ~22 m details >
No Name building:yes way 252658549 30 ~35 m details >
No Name building:yes way 307805771 30 ~39 m details >
No Name building:yes way 253318082 30 ~20 m details >
No Name building:yes way 253316352 30 ~10 m details >
No Name building:yes way 253316353 30 ~4 m details >
No Name building:yes way 307805772 30 ~30 m details >
No Name building:yes way 253315892 30 ~4 m details >
No Name building:yes way 307805773 30 ~18 m details >
No Name building:yes way 253315804 30 ~12 m details >
No Name building:yes way 253315442 30 ~22 m details >
No Name building:yes way 307805774 30 ~10 m details >
No Name building:yes way 253315348 30 ~33 m details >